Summer School of Russian Language
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Volgograd State University invites you to join us at
Russian Language and Culture Summer School 2023

We look forward to welcome students interested in Russian language and culture. The program is designed for those with the Beginner and Intermediate levels or Russian.

  • 80 hours of Russian as a foreign language;
  • effective communication methodology and innovative technologies
  • highly qualified teachers, having an experience in teaching international students from around the world;
  • good chance to improve your Russian skills;
  • introduction to the Russian history and culture;
  • communication with native Russian speakers;
  • valuable experience, engaging activities, new friends and vivid emotions;
  • outdoor activities;
  • extracurricular program.


Study period: June 25 – July 2, 2023
Tuition fee: 30 000 ₽
Accommodation at VolSU dormitory
Three meals a day provided

To apply for the Summer School please kindly send an email titled “Summer School” at
Application Deadline: June 10, 2023

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at (Institute of International Education).

Download the flyer and program of the School


