Scientific school and research areas
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Leading scientific schools and research areas of Volgograd State University

Scientific school is a team of researchers of different age groups and scientific qualifications associated with research in the general scientific direction and united by joint research activity.

The following scientific schools are currently working at VolSU:

1.    Principles of evolution, methods of transformation and modernization of economic systems. Founded by O.V. Inshakov

2.    Social philosophy. Founded by S.E. Krapivensky

3.    Economic problems of ecologically sustainable development: global, national and regional levels. Founded by M.M. Guzev

4.    Development and functioning of the Russian verb: history and modern state. Founded by S.P. Lopushanskaya

5.    Development of innovative economy financial infrastructure. Founded by L.V. Perekrestova

6.    Contemporary problems of the Civil Law: theoretical and practical issues. Founded by P.M. Filippov

7.    Social, economic and ecological aspects of regulation of the regional resource potential. Founded by I.M. Shabunina

8.    Ultra-high speed photochemical processes. Founded by A.I. Ivanov

9.    Urgent problems of Russia’s economic history in the 20th century. Founded by M.M. Zagorulko

10. Nonlinear geometric analysis and its applications. Founded by V.M. Miklyukov

11. The Volga-Ural region archeology of the Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Middle Ages. Founded by A.S. Skripkin

12. Linguistic, semantic and didactic aspects of intercultural communication. Founded by T.N. Astafurova

13. The right of economic entities in conditions of technological and socio-economic transformations. Founded by A. O. Inshakova

Issues considered by scientific schools of VolSU:

·         scientific research;

·         training of highly qualified scientific personnel;

·         making a creative environment for scientific growth of scholars;

·         creating an innovative product.

Research areas at VolSU:

1.    Astrophysics. Headed by  I.G. Kovalenko

2.    Actual problems of institutional modernization of the Russian economy. Headed by N.N. Lebedev

3.    System modernization of the market infrastructure of the Russian economy. Headed by E.G. Russkova

4.    Interaction of the electromagnetic radiation and the substance. Headed by B.N. Siplivyi, K.M. Firsov, VV Yatsyshen etc.

5.    Homeostasis physiology. Headed by  A.B. Mulik

6.    Research and development of new nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. Headed by I.V. Zaporotskova

7.    Physical and chemical properties of nanostructured materials. Head - NG Lebedev

8.    Conceptual design of integration forms of the evolution of the global economic system. Headed by E.I. Inshakova

9.    Accounting and Statistics. Headed by A.V. Glushchenko.

10.  Criminal law means of ensuring the interests of justice and participants in procedural relations. Headed by  L. V. Lobanova.

11.  Philosophical anthropology. Founded by N. V. Omelchenko 

12.  Institutional-evolutionary approach in marketing theory and practice. Headed by  D. P. Frolov

13. The right of corporations and other business entities in the modern economy. Headed by  A. O. Inshakova