Inter-University Agreements
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Inter-University Agreements

Volgograd State University has more than 50 international cooperation agreements with institutions from all over the world. These agreements enable students from partner universities to study for one semester or a whole academic year for free, to participate in short-term placements under special provisions, or to attend summer or winter language courses with a discount at Volgograd State University. Students have the option of studying at different institutes, depending on the terms of the specific agreement.

To apply please follow the next steps:

1. Contact the International Office at your home university to know more about the study conditions

2. Inform VolSU about your interest in visiting our university via e-mail (International Office of VolSU)

3. Provide International Office of VolSU with the following documents: CV, Motivation letter, Transcript of records (study results), Photocopy of passport, Russian language proficiency certificate min. level B2