VolSU entered the top 20 of the ranking in terms of salaries of law graduates
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VolSU entered the top 20 of the ranking in terms of salaries of law graduates

SuperJob has presented a ranking of Russian universities in 2023 by the level of salaries of young professionals employed in the legal industry, who graduated in 2017-2022.


This year Volgograd State University is in 17th place. The average salary of graduates employed in the legal industry has increased by 3,000 rubles and amounts to 75,000 rubles per month. In 2022, the average score of applicants of VolSU at the Final State Examination was 82.3. 65% of graduates stayed to work in the Volgograd region. A total of 61 Russian universities were included in the top 20 of the ranking.
SuperJob is Russia’s leading online platform for finding a high-paying job, choosing a profession, career and professional development, recruiting employees, promoting employer brand and automating HR processes.

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