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Tourism website as a tool of territorial branding: problems of linguistic logistics (exemplified by tourism websites of Volgograd)

Наименование публикации Tourism website as a tool of territorial branding: problems of linguistic logistics (exemplified by tourism websites of Volgograd)
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Romadina (Volkova), I.D. Tourism website as a tool of territorial branding: problems of linguistic logistics (exemplified by tourism websites of Volgograd) / I.D. Romadina (Volkova) // International Education Social Sciences and Humanities Research Conference: conference proceedings, March 31th, 2017. - St. Louis, USA: Scientific public organization «Professional science», 2017. - P. 131-141 (0,3 п.л.).
Аннотация The article emphasizes the importance of linguistic logistics for the brand in the context of tourism websites functioning. On the example of foreign tourists' reviews at the international e-forums, the importance of creating a single nominative base within tourism websites is proven.
Ключевые cлова tourism website, linguistic logistics, brand, web resources
Год публикации 2017
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