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Siberia, East and Ural region of Russia: practice of the realization of territorial megaprojects of the development of problematic territories

Наименование публикации Siberia, East and Ural region of Russia: practice of the realization of territorial megaprojects of the development of problematic territories
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Victoria V. Batmanova, Inna A. Mitrofanova, Aleksandr N. Zhukov. Siberia, East and Ural region of Russia: practice of the realization of territorial megaprojects of the development of problematic territories //Pensee Journal. Vol. 76. Issue 6. June 2014. P. 148-153.
Аннотация -
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Год публикации 2014
Митрофанова Инна Васильевна
Батманова В.В.
Митрофанова И.А.
Жуков А.Н.
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