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The Effect of Spin-Orbit Interaction on the Dynamics of Ultimately Short Pulses in Graphene Systems

Наименование публикации The Effect of Spin-Orbit Interaction on the Dynamics of Ultimately Short Pulses in Graphene Systems
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Yanyushkina, N. N. The Effect of Spin-Orbit Interaction on the Dynamics of Ultimately Short Pulses in Graphene Systems / N. N. Yanyushkina, M. B. Belonenko, N. G. Lebedev // Optics and Spectroscopy. — 2012. — Vol. 112, No. 3. — Pp. 453–456.
Аннотация The effect of the spin–orbit interaction of graphene electrons placed on a Ni (111) surface on the dynamics ultimately short pulses is considered. The dispersion law of electrons in graphene is calculated on the basis of the Rashba Hamiltonian. The dynamics of an ultimately short electromagnetic pulse considering the Rashba interaction and without it is under investigation.
Ключевые cлова -
Год публикации 2012
Янюшкина Наталия Николаевна
Belonenko Mikhail Borisovich
Лебедев Николай Геннадьевич
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