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Alternating field-induced phase transition in zig-zag carbon nanotubes

Наименование публикации Alternating field-induced phase transition in zig-zag carbon nanotubes
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Belonenko, M. B. Alternating field-induced phase transition in zig-zag carbon nanotubes / M. B. Belonenko, N. G. Lebedev, N. N. Yanyushkina // Journal of Russian Laser Research. — 2010. — V. 31. No. 5. — Pp. 410-415.
Аннотация We predict the possibility of spontaneous emergence of a constant electric field in carbon nanotubes if a high-frequency electric field is applied to them. The effect can be related to the nonequilibrium state of the electron subsystem of carbon nanotubes. The characteristics of the spontaneous field with respect to the parameters of the problem under consideration are revealed.
Ключевые cлова carbon nanotubes, nonequilibrium phase transitions, spontaneous electric fields
Год публикации 2010
Белоненко Михаил Борисович
Лебедев Николай Геннадьевич
Янюшкина Наталия Николаевна
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